Engage & Reward Customers, Patients or Teams!

Go check out each of our products to see which one fits your needs best!

Social Media
Social Media

Geared for Your Success!

Your prac­tice ad­visor de­liv­ers a cus­tom­ized turn-key pro­gram in­clud­ing train­ing and sup­port­ing mar­ket­ing ele­ments. From your Pa­tient Re­wards Hub, team mem­bers ad­min­is­trate, mes­sage and award points with a simple swipe and click!

Through your web site pa­tients re­deem points, play games, par­ti­cip­ate in con­tests, sur­veys or write re­views all in an en­ga­ging and fun en­vir­on­ment. Upon re­demp­tion, re­wards and prizes are ful­filled on your be­half and sent with a con­grat­u­lat­ory note from your prac­tice!

Benefits for your business

Differentiate your practice and increase conversion rates
Increase clinical and scheduling compliance
Simplify your operations and wow your patients with professional marketing collateral
Elevate your brand in the community
Increase patient referrals and practice profits
Save money and office space, no inventory needed, rewards fulfilled on your behalf
Improve search engine rankings and increase visibility
Reduce overhead, saving money and valuable staff time
Collect valuable contact data while providing a viral forum to communicate with patients and the community

Got a Team?
Explore our newest product: 

Hubbux Teams

Customer testimonials

See how progressive businesses are delivering incredible member experiences.

"I had high expectations for the Hub, and it exceeded every one! The return on our investment has been remarkable!"

Dr. Dan Bills

Innovative Orthodontics

"VERY, very well re­ceived. We've even had pa­tients come in who's friends (also pa­tients) had already told them about the 'Lupi Loot' pro­gram."

Lupi Orthodontics

"The pro­gram is easy for team mem­bers to use, fun for pa­tients and the best part - Prac­tice­Geni­us™ does all the work!"

Mattiacio Orthodontics

"In less than a year we have in­creased by 5,000 act­ive pa­tients and we have in­creased new pa­tients from 100 to 300."

Pediatric Dental Center of Frederick

"We have been able to drop our Face­book ad cam­paign be­cause the Hub is driv­ing people to our Face­book and web pages."

Lakeshore Orthodontics

"WOW...we had no idea it was go­ing to be such a huge suc­cess with our pa­tients. We sched­uled 2 new pa­tients from our launch party alone!"

Whitney & Robertson